Mar 13 2008


Category: 技术ssmax @ 13:48:18



cat access_log | sed “s/ – – .*//”  |sort |????


perl access_log |head

                $_ =~ s/ – – .+//g;
foreach $word (sort by_count keys %count){
        print “$word occurs $count{$word} times\n”;
sub by_count {
        $count{$b} <=> $count{$a}


Mar 13 2008


Category: 乱up当秘笈ssmax @ 13:02:14


20连!休斯敦火箭要与世界为敌 !

Houston Rockets, men against the world!!!


尽管今天的比赛场面很难看,效率很低下,但是一场实实在在的胜利是最重要的,历史上终于有了第三支连胜场次的十位数能够达到2的球队,恭喜火箭队,贺喜火箭队,其实现在的每一场比赛,火箭队的对手都会竭尽所能去拦阻纪录的诞生,谁都不想成为历史纪录里那不甚光彩的助教,好比面对张伯伦的尼克斯,面对科比的猛龙。火箭队的这场东征赢得不能说光辉灿烂,但是能够达成20场连胜,火箭已经可以去面对所有当初不屑的眼神,不要再去说火箭的对手没有强队、火箭的胜利充满偶然、火箭的纪录不值一提了,现在的休斯顿火箭队,可以挺起胸膛说自己给尘封了30年的历史拂去灰尘,每一场胜利都是货真价实的,让这么一群平民球员的面前只剩下当年那支比尔-夏曼(Bill Sharman)执教、拥有篮球皇帝威尔特-张伯伦(Wilt Chamberlain)和Logoman杰里-韦斯特(Jerry West)的梦一样的湖人队,就是足以让我们这一辈球迷可以津津乐道的回忆。以后我们回想起当年的看球历史,我们也可以装成资深专家一样给人们详细讲述着这20场荡气回肠的胜利。而火箭队也通过本场比赛的胜利超越了今天负于黄蜂的马刺,上升到了西部第二位,在魔鬼的西南区,用20场不可思议的连胜,火箭队登上了含金量十足的王座。



Mar 12 2008


Category: 乱up当秘笈ssmax @ 16:57:33


Mar 12 2008

Spring 和 Struts2 的小冲突。。。

Category: 技术ssmax @ 14:25:53

昨天写发送邮件的时候用了spring一个property loader,今天发现所有struts2的页面都返回input validation错误了。。。查了半天,查到fielderror是某个mail的properties,为啥struts2回去读那个properties呢。。。原来是spring loader惹的祸。。。

  <bean id=”MailProperties” class=”org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertiesFactoryBean”>
  <property name=”location”>

 就是这个PropertiesFactoryBean的东东,和struts2的 org.apache.struts2.interceptor.validation.AnnotationValidationInterceptor 存在一些数据共享关系,再详细看看源代码才知道。。。

Mar 12 2008


Category: 乱up当秘笈ssmax @ 09:54:42



Mar 11 2008

java mail smtp simple auth

Category: 技术ssmax @ 22:23:21

今天写个后台发送,连到smtp要登录的,我见java mail里面api默认就可以在connect的时候输入密码,以为直接用就可以啦,谁知道sun 的smtp实现default不打开auth,google一下,记录一些文档。。。还搜到某个猪头说session参数就只有一开始那几个,其实可以有很多很多的。。。

明天回去还要加上 msg.saveChanges();  不知道有啥用。。。

好像是保存message状态和header的,The send method calls the saveChanges method on the message before sending it.  看来不用改了。。。

Package com.sun.mail.smtp Description

An SMTP protocol provider for the JavaMail API that provides access to an SMTP server. Refer to RFC 821 for more information.

When sending a message, detailed information on each address that fails is available in an SMTPAddressFailedException chained off the top level SendFailedException that is thrown. In addition, if the mail.smtp.reportsuccess property is set, an SMTPAddressSucceededException will be included in the list for each address that is successful. Note that this will cause a top level SendFailedException to be thrown even though the send was successful.

The SMTP provider also supports ESMTP (RFC 1651). It can optionally use SMTP Authentication (RFC 2554) using the LOGIN, PLAIN, and DIGEST-MD5 mechanisms (RFC 2592 and RFC 2831).

To use SMTP authentication you’ll need to set the mail.smtp.auth property (see below) and provide the SMTP Transport with a username and password when connecting to the SMTP server. You can do this using one of the following approaches:

  • Provide an Authenticator object when creating your mail Session and provide the username and password information during the Authenticator callback.Note that the mail.smtp.user property can be set to provide a default username for the callback, but the password will still need to be supplied explicitly.This approach allows you to use the static Transport send method to send messages.
  • Call the Transport connect method explicitly with username and password arguments.This approach requires you to explicitly manage a Transport object and use the Transport sendMessage method to send the message. The demo program demonstrates how to manage a Transport object. The following is roughly equivalent to the static Transport send method, but supplies the needed username and password:

Transport tr = session.getTransport(“smtp”);

tr.connect(smtphost, username, password);

msg.saveChanges(); // don’t forget this

tr.sendMessage(msg, msg.getAllRecipients());


When using DIGEST-MD5 authentication, you’ll also need to supply an appropriate realm; your mail server administrator can supply this information. You can set this using the mail.smtp.sasl.realm property, or the setSASLRealm method on SMTPTransport.

SMTP can also optionally request Delivery Status Notifications (RFC 1891). The delivery status will typically be reported using a “multipart/report” (RFC 1892) message type with a “message/delivery-status” (RFC 1894) part. JavaMail does not currently provide direct support for these new MIME types, but you can process them as any other “multipart” or “message” content, using MimeMultipart and MimeMessage objects.

See below for the properties to enable these features.

Note also that THERE IS NOT SUFFICIENT DOCUMENTATION HERE TO USE THESE FEATURES!!! You will need to read the appropriate RFCs mentioned above to understand what these features do and how to use them. Don’t just start setting properties and then complain to us when it doesn’t work like you expect it to work. READ THE RFCs FIRST!!!

The SMTP protocol provider supports the following properties, which may be set in the JavaMail Session object. The properties are always set as strings; the Type column describes how the string is interpreted. For example, use

        props.put("mail.smtp.port", "888");

to set the mail.smtp.port property, which is of type int.

Name Type Description
mail.smtp.user String Default user name for SMTP. String The SMTP server to connect to.
mail.smtp.port int The SMTP server port to connect to, if the connect() method doesn’t explicitly specify one. Defaults to 25.
mail.smtp.connectiontimeout int Socket connection timeout value in milliseconds. Default is infinite timeout.
mail.smtp.timeout int Socket I/O timeout value in milliseconds. Default is infinite timeout.
mail.smtp.from String Email address to use for SMTP MAIL command. This sets the envelope return address. Defaults to msg.getFrom() or InternetAddress.getLocalAddress(). NOTE: mail.smtp.user was previously used for this.
mail.smtp.localhost String Local host name used in the SMTP HELO or EHLO command. Defaults to InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(). Should not normally need to be set if your JDK and your name service are configured properly.
mail.smtp.localaddress String Local address (host name) to bind to when creating the SMTP socket. Defaults to the address picked by the Socket class. Should not normally need to be set, but useful with multi-homed hosts where it’s important to pick a particular local address to bind to.
mail.smtp.localport int Local port number to bind to when creating the SMTP socket. Defaults to the port number picked by the Socket class.
mail.smtp.ehlo boolean If false, do not attempt to sign on with the EHLO command. Defaults to true. Normally failure of the EHLO command will fallback to the HELO command; this property exists only for servers that don’t fail EHLO properly or don’t implement EHLO properly.
mail.smtp.auth boolean If true, attempt to authenticate the user using the AUTH command. Defaults to false.
mail.smtp.submitter String The submitter to use in the AUTH tag in the MAIL FROM command. Typically used by a mail relay to pass along information about the original submitter of the message. See also the setSubmitter method of SMTPMessage. Mail clients typically do not use this.
mail.smtp.dsn.notify String The NOTIFY option to the RCPT command. Either NEVER, or some combination of SUCCESS, FAILURE, and DELAY (separated by commas).
mail.smtp.dsn.ret String The RET option to the MAIL command. Either FULL or HDRS.
mail.smtp.allow8bitmime boolean If set to true, and the server supports the 8BITMIME extension, text parts of messages that use the “quoted-printable” or “base64” encodings are converted to use “8bit” encoding if they follow the RFC2045 rules for 8bit text.
mail.smtp.sendpartial boolean If set to true, and a message has some valid and some invalid addresses, send the message anyway, reporting the partial failure with a SendFailedException. If set to false (the default), the message is not sent to any of the recipients if there is an invalid recipient address.
mail.smtp.sasl.realm String The realm to use with DIGEST-MD5 authentication.
mail.smtp.quitwait boolean If set to false, the QUIT command is sent and the connection is immediately closed. If set to true (the default), causes the transport to wait for the response to the QUIT command.
mail.smtp.reportsuccess boolean If set to true, causes the transport to include an SMTPAddressSucceededException for each address that is successful. Note also that this will cause a SendFailedException to be thrown from the sendMessage method of SMTPTransport even if all addresses were correct and the message was sent successfully.
mail.smtp.socketFactory.class String If set, specifies the name of a class that implements the interface. This class will be used to create SMTP sockets.
mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback boolean If set to true, failure to create a socket using the specified socket factory class will cause the socket to be created using the class. Defaults to true.
mail.smtp.socketFactory.port int Specifies the port to connect to when using the specified socket factory. If not set, the default port will be used.
mail.smtp.mailextension String Extension string to append to the MAIL command. The extension string can be used to specify standard SMTP service extensions as well as vendor-specific extensions. Typically the application should use the SMTPTransport method supportsExtension to verify that the server supports the desired service extension. See RFC 1869 and other RFCs that define specific extensions.
mail.smtp.starttls.enable boolean If true, enables the use of the STARTTLS command (if supported by the server) to switch the connection to a TLS-protected connection before issuing any login commands. Note that an appropriate trust store must configured so that the client will trust the server’s certificate. Defaults to false.
mail.smtp.userset boolean If set to true, use the RSET command instead of the NOOP command in the isConnected method. In some cases sendmail will respond slowly after many NOOP commands; use of RSET avoids this sendmail issue. Defaults to false.
mail.smtp.ssl.protocols string Specifies the SSL protocols that will be enabled for SSL connections. The property value is a whitespace separated list of tokens acceptable to the method.
mail.smtp.ssl.ciphersuites string Specifies the SSL cipher suites that will be enabled for SSL connections. The property value is a whitespace separated list of tokens acceptable to the method.

In general, applications should not need to use the classes in this package directly. Instead, they should use the APIs defined by javax.mail package (and subpackages). Applications should never construct instances of SMTPTransport directly. Instead, they should use the Session method getTransport to acquire an appropriate Transport object.

Mar 10 2008


Category: 乱up当秘笈ssmax @ 22:23:26


Lex – A Lexical Analyzer Generator

Yacc: Yet Another Compiler-Compiler



Mar 09 2008


Category: 乱up当秘笈ssmax @ 22:33:26




Mar 08 2008


Category: 乱up当秘笈ssmax @ 11:31:27

       NBA是National Basketball Association的缩写(国际篮球协会)。总裁:大卫·斯特恩。
大西洋赛区 :尼克斯队、网队、凯尔特人、猛龙队、76人队
中部赛区 :活塞队、步行者队、骑士队、雄鹿队、公牛队
东南部赛区 :热队、魔术队、奇才队、老鹰队、山猫队

西部联盟(west ):
西北赛区 :森林狼队、掘金队、爵士队、开拓者队、超音速队

       NBA成立于1946年6月6日。成立时叫BAA,即全美篮球协会(Basketball Association of America),是由十一家冰球馆和体育馆的老板为了让体育馆在冰球比赛以外的时间,不至于闲置而共同发起成立的。
       BAA成立时共11支球队:纽约尼克斯队、波士顿凯尔特人队、华盛顿华盛顿国会队、芝加哥牡鹿队、克利夫兰叛逆者队、底特律猎鹰队、费城武士队、匹兹堡铁人队、普罗维登斯蒸气队、圣路易斯轰炸机队和多伦多爱斯基摩人队。1949年BAA吞并了当时的另外一个联盟(NBL),并改名为NBA 。1949-50赛季,NBA共17支球队。1976年NBA吞并了美国篮球协会(ABA),球队增加到22支。 1980年达拉斯小牛队加入NBA。1988年,夏洛特黄蜂队和迈阿密热火队加入NBA。1990年奥兰多魔术队和明尼苏达森林狼队加入NBA。1995年两支加拿大球队加入NBA,多伦多猛龙队和温哥华灰熊队,使NBA的球队达到29支。2004年的山猫队的加入达到30支。
      1896年,美国第一个篮球组织“全国篮球联盟(简称NBL)”成立,但当时篮球规则还不完善,组织机构也不健全,经常一名队员在一个赛季中可以代表几个队参赛, 经过几个赛季后,该组织就名存实亡了。
       1949年,在布朗的努力下,美国两大篮球组织BAA和NBL合并为“全国篮球协会(简称NBA)”。布朗也成为后来著名的波士顿凯尔特人队的创始人。NBA成立 时拥有17支球队,分成三个赛区比赛,来自NBL的明尼阿波利斯湖人队依靠身高 2.09米的美国第一中锋乔治·迈肯的帮助获得NBA第一个赛季的冠军。
      1952年,NBA为了限制第一中锋迈肯的得分能力,将篮下3秒禁区宽度由原来的6英尺扩大到12英尺。到了60年代,由于另一位超级中锋张伯伦的出现,NBA又将禁区宽度扩大到16英尺。 由于NBA的球队在比分领先时常采用拖延战术,使比赛不能吸引观众,从1954-1955赛季起,NBA开始实行24秒制,即每队每次进攻不得超过24秒。
       1967年,一个新的篮球组织ABA(美国篮球协会)宣告成立,乔治·迈肯任第一位主席。ABA采用红、白、蓝三色篮球,并实行远投三分制,每年还举办扣篮大赛。 这些措施在NBA是不允许的。但由于经营不善,ABA于1976年被美国NBA吞并,从此,NBA形成对美国篮球业的垄断。 1979年起,NBA开始实行3分远投制。为避免各队的实力悬殊太大,NBA建立了每年一度的“NBA新秀选拨制度”,将当年毕业的大学生选手按水平高低排出名次,然后由各俱乐部按当年联赛的最后排名依次挑选, 排名靠后者先选,每轮各队只能选择一名,这样就保证了实力最弱的球队能得到水平最高 的新秀,选到新星的弱队在新赛季中往往会脱胎换骨。为避免财大气粗的球队用高薪垄断明星球员,NBA规定了每支球队的工资总额限制。如用很多钱购买明星,则就无力买到其它优秀球员。这一制度保证了最好的明星平均分布在各个球队,使各队实力十分接近。 如果说“高薪制”和“合同制”是NBA两大基石,那“新秀选拨制”和“薪金限额制”则确保了NBA比赛的激烈和精彩,比赛的不可预测性将众多的美国球迷吸引到篮球场。
       NBA联赛还实行转会制度,NBA球员转会不得买卖,只能以人换人。从赛季开始到第16个星期四晚9时止,球队可自由交换球员。此后一直到常规赛季结束,各队人员 全部“冻结”。NBA转会是连人带合同一起交换。

Mar 08 2008


Category: 乱up当秘笈ssmax @ 11:23:40

火箭成为第六支17连胜球队 再胜则比肩王朝公牛


连胜场数 赛季 球队 最后成绩
33 1971-72 湖人 冠军
20 1970-71 雄鹿 冠军
19 1999-00 湖人 冠军
18 1969-70 尼克斯 冠军
  1981-82 凯尔特人 东部冠军
  1995-96 公牛 冠军
17 1946-47 华盛顿(现在的奇才) BAA半决赛
  1959-60 凯尔特人 冠军
  1995-96 马刺 西部半决赛
  2006-07 太阳 西部半决赛
  2006-07 小牛 第一轮
  2007-08 火箭



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