Jun 02 2008


Category: 技术ssmax @ 14:53:13


pfiles -p pid


lsof -p pid

或者去 ls -alh /proc/pid/fd/


/proc/net/tcp 里面找找,ip是用8位16进制字符表示的。。。

Jun 01 2008


Category: Gamesssmax @ 19:22:43


May 31 2008


Category: 乱up当秘笈ssmax @ 20:31:28


May 30 2008


Category: Lovessmax @ 22:50:22


May 29 2008

Solaris 下的网卡驱动和网络配置

Category: 技术ssmax @ 15:06:41


昨天安装了solaris,但是网卡驱动找不到,去网上找了一下,发现solaris支持的网卡还是很少的,机上的集成网卡芯片是 Realtek RTL8168/8111 ,好像是比较普遍的网卡了,但是Solaris就是没有自带驱动,在网上找到一个人写的驱动,说是支持 Realtek RTL8169/8110的,也支持8168,下载,u盘,copy。。。


# gunzip -cd gani-x.x.x.tar.gz | tar xf –

% cd /…/gani-x.x.x
% rm obj Makefile
% ln -s Makefile.${KARCH}_${COMPILER} Makefile
% ln -s ${KARCH} obj


# cd /…/gani-x.x.x
# /usr/ccs/bin/make install
# ./adddrv.sh
# /usr/ccs/bin/make uninstall (for solaris7, don’t remove the file )
# modload obj/gani
# devfsadm -i gani (for solaris7, use drvconfig and reboot with -r )
# ifconfig ganiN plumb ( where N is an instance number, typcally 0 for first card)
# ifconfig -a ( you will see an entry for ganiN)
# ifconfig ganiN YOUR-HOST-NAME
# ifconfig ganiN ( ensure IP address is correct)
# ifconfig ganiN up ( and then you can test with ping, telnet, ftp …)

做到devfsadm -i gani的时候死活也装不上,这个命令是把驱动绑定设备上面并且生成/dev/gani的,出错:

devfsadm: driver failed to attach: gani


先用prtconf -v | less 找到设备pci地址,网卡设备名一般是Ethernet controller,搜索Ethernet,找到设备地址


/usr/sbin/add_drv -n -v -m ‘* 0600 root sys’ -i “pci1458,e000” rge


modload /kernel/drv/amd64/rge

devfsadm -i rge



touch /etc/hostname.rge0

touch /etc/dhcp.rge0



/etc/resolv.conf        dns服务器

/etc/nsswitch.conf    域名解释顺序




重新设定系统的所有配置,oh shit,更惨,连ip都拿不到了,估计还是驱动问题,汗阿汗。。。


pci10b7,9055,3Com 3C905B-TX


配置好hostname和dhcp,reboot拿到ip,能ping通,能nslookup,但是ping域名或者用firefox上的时候还是不行,unknown hosts错误,tnnd,又检查了半天,觉得可能是nscd服务没有开,这个是name service cache daemon,做dns缓存的,把服务打开,ok了,tnnd。。。





ps 也很怪异,暂时没有研究它的选项,反正默认显示不了多少东西。。。

route更怪异,没有打印路由的功能,要netstat -nr


也有自己提供的方法 svcs 来观察服务是否启动

svcs -v

这套东西是它自己的smf,Solaris Service Management Facility

  • Enabling and disabling servicesPrior to Solaris 10, there wasn’t a good way to permanently disable a service in Solaris. The typical method used is to rename the relevant rc script to a name that won’t get executed, but that change will get overlooked the next time the system is upgraded. Furthermore, inetd-based services are enabled and disabled by a totally different method — editing a configuration file. Under SMF, both types of services can be configured using the svcadm(1M) command, and the changes will persist if the machine is upgraded. Here’s a comparison of how to enable and disable some services:
    Old method
    SMF Method
    mv /etc/rc2.d/S75cron /etc/rc2.d/x.S75cron
    svcadm disable system/cron:default
    edit /etc/inet/inetd.conf, uncomment the finger line
    svcadm enable network/finger:default

    The last argument to svcadm in these examples is the FMRI of the service.

    Note that svcadm should only be used for SMF services — legacy rc script-controlled services work the same as in past releases.

  • Stopping, starting, and restarting servicesTraditionally, services have been started by an rc script run at boot, run with the argument start. Some rc scripts provide a stop option, and a few also allow restart. In SMF, these tasks are all accomplished with the svcadm(1M) command:
    Old method
    SMF Method
    /etc/init.d/sshd stop
    svcadm disable -t network/ssh:default
    /etc/init.d/sshd start
    svcadm enable -t network/ssh:default
    /etc/init.d/sshd stop; /etc/init.d/sshd start
    svcadm restart network/ssh:default
    kill -HUP `cat /var/run/sshd.pid`
    svcadm refresh network/ssh:default

    The “-t” option to svcadm enable and svcadm disable indicates that the requested action should be temporary — it will not affect whether the service is started the next time that the system boots.


truss ping www.163.com



May 28 2008

Windows Services for UNIX

Category: 技术ssmax @ 14:14:19


Windows Services for UNIX version provides a full range of cross-platform services for integrating Windows into existing UNIX-based environments.

May 28 2008

solaris u盘启动

Category: 乱up当秘笈ssmax @ 11:17:35

默认光盘好像是用grub启动的,正好有一个u盘做了grub4dos,直接拿过来试试,正常启动成功,就是不知道核心还有什么参数要传过去,汗啊。没有光驱的机器,所有系统都没有自带该网卡驱动,无法光盘安装,无法网络安装,麻烦得很,研究研究u盘安装试试,嘿嘿,还没有研究出来,主要是只有2g u盘,不够玩啊。。。solaris的dvd有2g多。。。


x86: GRUB Menu Commands for Installation

Starting in the Solaris 10 1/06 release, you can customize the network boot and installation of your system by editing the commands in the GRUB menu. This section describes several commands and arguments you can insert in the commands in the GRUB menu.

In the GRUB menu, you can access the GRUB command line by typing b at the prompt. A command line that is similar to the following output is displayed.

kernel /Solaris_10_x86/multiboot kernel/unix 
-B install_media=
module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive

You can edit this command line to customize your boot and installation. The following list describes several common commands you might want to use. For a complete list of boot arguments that you can use with the -B, see the eeprom(1M) man page.

Table 10–1 x86: GRUB Menu Commands and Options

Command/Option  Description and Examples 
install Insert this option before the -B option to perform a custom JumpStart installation.

kernel /Solaris_10_x86/multiboot install 
-B install_media=
module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive
url|ask Specifies the location of the custom JumpStart files or prompts you for the location. Insert either option with the install option.

  • url – Specifies the path to the files. You can specify a URL for files that are located in the following places:

    • Local hard disk

      For example:

      kernel /Solaris_10_x86/multiboot install 
      -B install_media=
      module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive
    • NFS server

      For example:

      kernel /Solaris_10_x86/multiboot install 
      -B install_media=
      module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive
    • HTTP server

      • If you placed a sysidcfg file in the compressed configuration file, you must specify the IP address of the server that contains the file, as in the following example:
        kernel /Solaris_10_x86/multiboot install 
        -B install_media=
        module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive
      • If you saved the compressed configuration file on an HTTP server that is behind a firewall, you must use a proxy specifier during boot. You do not need to specify an IP address for the server that contains the file. You must specify an IP address for the proxy server, as in the following example:
        kernel /Solaris_10_x86/multiboot install 
        -B install_media=
        module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive
url|ask (continued)

  • ask – When used with the install option, specifies that the installation program prompt you to type the location of the compressed configuration file after the system boots and connects to the network. If you use this option, you are not able to do a completely hands off JumpStart installation.

    If you bypass the prompt by pressing Return, the Solaris installation program interactively configures the network parameters. The installation program then prompts you for the location of the compressed configuration file.

    The following example performs a custom JumpStart and boots from a network installation image. You are prompted to input the location of the configuration file after the system connects to the network.

    kernel /Solaris_10_x86/multiboot install ask 
    -B install_media=
    module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive
dhcp Insert this option before the -B option to instruct the installation programs to use a DHCP server to obtain network installation information that is needed to boot the system. If you do not specify to use a DHCP server by typing dhcp, the system uses the /etc/bootparams file or the name service bootparams database. For example, you would not specify dhcp if you wanted keep a static IP address.

kernel /Solaris_10_x86/multiboot dhcp 
-B install_media=
module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive
- text Insert this option before the -B option to perform a text-based installation in a desktop session.

kernel /Solaris_10_x86/multiboot - text 
-B install_media=
module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive
- nowin Insert this option before the -B option to perform a text-based installation in a console session.

kernel /Solaris_10_x86/multiboot - nowin 
-B install_media=
module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive
"console=serial-console" Use this argument with the -B option to instruct the system to use a serial console, such as ttya (COM1) or ttyb (COM2).

kernel /Solaris_10_x86/multiboot -B "console=ttya" 
module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive
"ata-dma-enable=[0|1]" Use this argument with the -B option to enable or disable Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA) or Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE) devices and Direct Memory Access (DMA) during the installation.

kernel /Solaris_10_x86/multiboot -B "ata-dma-enable=0" 
module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive
"acpi-enum=[0|1]" Use this argument with the -B option to enable or disable Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI ) power management.

kernel /Solaris_10_x86/multiboot -B "acpi-enum=0" 
module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive
"acpi-cd-dma-enabled=[0|1]" Use this argument with the -B option to enable or disable DMA for CD or DVD drives during the installation.

kernel /Solaris_10_x86/multiboot -B "acpi-cd-dma-enabled=0"
module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive



May 27 2008

jsp sendRedirect 出错

Category: 技术ssmax @ 18:52:19

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can’t sendRedirect() after data has committed to the client.


May 26 2008


Category: 乱up当秘笈ssmax @ 21:38:33

今天心血来潮,拍了一个无线路由来玩玩,经典linksys v4版,tnnd就一个路由都这么多版本,光是54g就有v1-v7。。。还能刷非公版firmware,什么dd-wrt/tomato之类的,好像还能增强不少功能,不知道能不能蹭到公司5楼的无线网络来用,可以的话就爽了,网通的光纤出口再加上我的双出口服务器vpn,有啥不能干,哈哈哈。

May 25 2008


Category: 乱up当秘笈ssmax @ 20:53:58


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