May 06 2008


Category: 技术ssmax @ 17:00:32



moute -o loop -t iso9660 /path/to/iso/file /mnt/cdrom

然后用dselect来选择安装包,把kernel header啊、build之类的装上。。。就可以开始编译驱动的了。



cp /boot/config-2.x.y-flavour .config
make-kpkg –append-to-version “-flavour” –revision 2.x.y-z –config old configure



2. Untar/unzip archive:

     tar zxf igb-x.x.x.tar.gz

3. Change to the driver src directory:

     cd igb-x.x.x/src/

4. Compile the driver module:

     make install

   The binary will be installed as:

     /lib/modules/<KERNEL VERSION>/kernel/drivers/net/igb/igb.[k]o

   The install locations listed above are the default locations.  They
   might not be correct for certain Linux distributions. 

5. Load the module using either the insmod or modprobe command:

     modprobe igb

     insmod igb

   Note that for 2.6 kernels the insmod command can be used if the full
   path to the driver module is specified.  For example:

     insmod /lib/modules/<KERNEL VERSION>/kernel/drivers/net/igb/igb.ko

   With 2.6 based kernels also make sure that older igb drivers are
   removed from the kernel, before loading the new module:

     rmmod igb; modprobe igb


本来modprobe之后应该能找到eth0之类的设备了,但是这个驱动是for rehl的,debian貌似不会自己加上去,只有手动修改/etc/network/interfaces 了,

auto lo

iface lo inet loopback

auto eth1 eth2

iface eth1 inet dhcp

iface eth2 inet dhcp

